About Me

I first became a Bubbie on August 1, 2011, when Julianna Rose came into this world. Suddenly, all the mishagus (craziness) in life no longer mattered. This precious bundle of adorable, funny, smart, loveable sass was all that was important. She was, is and will always be my Pootchkie Girl!, my Sunshine. One year later, Logan Harrison was born on August 18, 2012! Cutest bouncing baby boy, ever! Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have not seen much of my Logan, but I pray that will change as he gets older. Worst heartbreak a Bubbie should never endure. Nuff said. And on April 5, 2014 we welcomed Elijah Rockwell, that child that always melts your heart with his smile. 200 % boy, but sweet, loving, ticklish and super smart. I'm a very lucky and blessed Bubbie to have 3 healthy, happy grandchildren.